Thursday, June 23, 2005

Too much coffee

This morning I stopped and got my friend and I coffee from starbucks before work. I hadn't been in a couple weeks. I was feeling the need for lots of coffee. I got a venti cafe' mocha . No fat free, sugar free, skim milk, no whip for me. No fussing, just give it to me! I arrive at work anticipating my coffee and the happy look on my friends face. Instead I get a look of shock. She tells me that not only did she bring coffee from home, this is not unusual for her, but our director has brought her coffee too. My director informs she brought me one also and a doughnut. Ok, I can handle this. Its not like I haven't had two cups of coffee in the morning. I say thank you and move on. When I'm bringing my friends inside for snack a parent comes out with two frappuchinos. One for me and one for my friend. I've already finished my starbucks by then. So, I take it happily and enjoy. Here comes the problem. One cup of coffee makes me act like a cheerleader on speed. My friend can always tell when I've had coffee. It makes me talk a mile a minute and I'm full of energy. I know hard to imagine. Its true! My coffee high takes me all the way through lunch. I've never had that happen before. I was ready for it to be over and my heartbeat to return to normal. I think why do I drink coffee? Look what it does to me. Do you think that stops me? Nope. Do you think I'll switch to decaf? Nope, don't see the point. I'll happily drink my next cup of coffee and do it all over again. What I won't do again is have too much coffee. Small doses for me please.


Blogger j-lay said...

i have yet to see this cheerleader on speed. i'm curious. maybe i'll have to bring you coffee sometime. just for the show.

3:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rah Rah Rah!

8:11 PM  

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