Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Every single day?

Why we ( By we I mean women ) have so much to do to get ready for our day? Why can't we basically roll out of bed, shower and be done? I know we could but, we get criticized for it. For example " Why don't you ever wear your hair down? ". I was once told by someone I dated " I think your hair is cute that way but, I really want to see it down again. " I was wearing a ponytail that day. My thought was....Okay, you want to come do my hair for me everyday?. You could hire a professional to do it for me. Maybe, I want to get some extra sleep! If you don't wear make-up, " You look tired today. ". This one makes me want to scream. So basically your telling me I don't look good unless I wear make-up? Why should I feel like I can't go anywhere unless I " Have my face on? ". Don't get me wrong, I like make-up, I like it when my hair is fixed. It makes me feel good but, why do I have to feel like it necessary every single day?

I will say I do have a friend that this does not apply to. She looks beautiful everyday!


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