Friday, January 20, 2006

Crazy morning

This morning I started the day by over sleeping. I had about an hour to get ready for work. I forgot that I was supposed to leave a few minutes early so I could get gas. I was on E when I left work the evening before. I had to rush poor Gizmo to go potty. I remembered that I needed to get gas when we were on our way outside. I was already running late at this point. I leave for work and I'm just about to leave my apartment complex when I realize that I have forgotten my purse. I had to turn around to get it because I could not go all day without getting gas. The whole way to work I'm struggling with should I stop and get gas and risk being late or not get gas and risk running out of gas and being late anyway. I decided not to get gas and take my chances. The whole way there my eyes are darting back and forth to the gas gage and the clock. I'm thinking please don't run out of gas, please let me make it to work on time! It was a very stressful ride to work. I made it to work on time without running out of gas. I had a huge headache by the time I made it. I have decided from now on I'm getting gas in the evening. No more talking myself out of it. I think I learned my lesson this morning.


Blogger j-lay said...

i completely understand where you are coming from.

5:30 PM  

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